New York Times
Justices, Seeking Compromise, Return Contraception Case to Lower Courts
New York Times - 1 hour ago
5 Republicans who’d seriously consider being Donald Trump’s VP — and 12 who wouldn’t
Supreme Court Seeks Compromise in Birth Control Case
Supreme Court Seeks Compromise in Birth Control Case
World powers ready to arm Libya in fight against IS
World powers ready to arm Libya in fight against IS
Senate report on CIA torture is one step closer to disappearing
Senate report on CIA torture is one step closer to disappearing
f the graduating class of 2016," the 23-year-old said at the school gymnasium.
Inside Edition
Simulate the End of the World With This Interactive Map of U.S. Nuclear Targets
With President Obama visiting Hiroshima and the Republican frontrunner calling for Japan and South Korea to arm themselves with nuclear weapons, the specter of atomic warfare is just about as present as its ever been. A new website from The Future of Life Institute shows-with brutal efficiency-what the fallout from an American nuke would look like for the rest of the world. Nuclear maps have been made before, but the FLI wanted to make it as modern as possible, with as many hypotheticals as you could ever hope to play out, so they've used a recently declassified list of American nuclear targets from 1956.
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World powers ready to arm Libya in fight against IS
The United States, Italy and Libya's friends and neighbours agreed Monday to arm the war-torn country's fledgling unity government to fight the Islamic State threat. US Secretary of State John Kerry said a 25-member group had agreed to exempt the Government of National Accord from the UN arms embargo imposed to halt the Libyan conflict. Along with Italy's Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Kerry said there are no plans to deploy an international military force in Libya to support the new government.
Suspect in gang-related murder of nine-year-old Chicago boy arrested
A man wanted in connection with what authorities say was a gang-related retaliation killing of a 9-year-old Chicago boy was in jail in eastern Illinois on unrelated charges on Monday and authorities were discussing returning him to the city to face a murder charge, officials said. Kevin Edwards, 23, faces a charge in Chicago for first-degree murder in the November 2015 killing of the boy, Tyshawn Lee, a crime that highlighted a surge in violent crime in the third- most-populous U.S. city. It was not clear how Edwards was involved in Lee's killing, and Chicago police representatives declined to comment.
Sen. Bernie Sanders visits Puerto Rico amid debt crisis
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders warned of a humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico Monday, calling on the U.S. government to support a debt restructure in the territory. Addressing a crowd in San Juan ahead of Puerto Rico's June 5 primary, Sanders called upon the U.S. Federal Reserve to authorize emergency loans and use its authority to allow for a restructuring. The Vermont senator also said hedge funds that hold a significant portion of the island's $70 billion public debt should take what he called a "massive" haircut as the island continues to default on multimillion-dollar bond payments.
Associated Press
Week ahead: Puerto Rico bill, take two
The Hill
Puerto Rico Debt Becomes Constitutional Fight On The Right
Fox Nation
Graduating Student Ends Commencement Speech Early to Propose to Girlfriend
This college graduation ceremony ended not with a bang, but with an engagement ring. The heartwarming story unfolded Saturday as Timothy Babine, a physical education major at the University of Maine Presque Isle, took the stage to deliver his commencement speech. "First off, I want to start by congratulating my colleagues o
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[Fears for singer Sinead O'Connor after she's reported missing in Chicago]
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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in his office at Trump Tower in New York, Tuesday, …
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Fake bomb at Man United sparks renewed security fears
MANCHESTER, England (AP) — The discovery of a fake bomb inside Old Trafford brought embarrassment and potentially a $4 million …
Angelina Jolie blasts the EU for its 'race to the bottom' response to …
Angelina Jolie condemned European leaders today for taking part in a 'race to the bottom' over their response to the refugee crisis …
Daily Mail
Показать все новости: World
King Of Debt Seeks Presidency
Donald Trump may be the "King of Debt." But he doesn't understand the National Debt or Monetary Policy. He should stick to talking …
Seeking Alpha
Buffett’s Berkshire invested $1 billion in Apple
(Reuters) – Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc