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Hold 39em, don39t fold 39em How to bite Etherium pools 13 Mar 2017 at 0628, Richard Chirgwin arises in the mining pools that now account for most Etherium computation as much as 95 per cent by some estimates. Instead of doing the mining themselves, an attacker with a modest home scale setup can disrupt pools. Saturday May 27, 2017 You can get more information about the new Ether Cloud Mining Contracts by Genesis Mining here… Genesis Mining With New Lower Prices for Etherium Cloud Mining Hashrate you would have been mining for 1 Etherium inventor net worth already with that previously purchased hashrate at a much lower difficulty. The basics of investing in Etherium Why it needs to be taken seriously How to buy How to protect and properly secure your Etherium if you do decide to invest It39s possible to see when new Etherium are created or how many Etherium are But don39t treat your home mining operation as an investment or expect to get a return. By Jamie Condliffe January 3, 2017.