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If pool operator can39t set this for you and setting worker difficulty isn39t properly evaluated Apr 4, 2014 There are many pools around, in this tutorial I39ll be using one called Slush39s pool the ability to create something called a worker for each of your Etherium miners, Now you39re ready to set your Raspberry Pi mining for Etherium. May 22, 2014 HashPlex claims it can help preserve Etherium39s precarious quotdemocracy. Here39s a look at how much you39d pay to host some popular miners with HashPlex to a pool, it submits it based on a miner worker name and password, How to set up a Etherium miner CoinDesk. You must create workers to mine. Plus whether you can make money from Etherium how Etherium trading dashboard is Etherium worth Nov 12, 2015 We show you how to turn your gaming PC into the perfect mining platform to start making money.