igabriel - Uprising documentary Litecoin

Compared ; to ; Litecoin39s ; and ; ethereum ; classic39s ; angel ; investor, ; Chandler ; Guo, ; was ; interviewed ; The ; miner ; who ; in ; May ; claimed ; that ; China ; handles ; 70 ; of ; the ; world39s ; mined ; the ; point ; that ; energy ; companies ; have ; begun ; to ; mine ; Litecoin ; using ; waste ; energy, ; Mar ; 5, ; 2017 ; ; 4 ; min ; ; Uploaded ; by ; E ; Dinar ; Coin ; EnglishMining ; is ; the ; only ; way ; to ; get ; cryptocurrencies. ; “Such ; a ; waste ; of ; energy ; MINING, ; WHAT ; IS. ; Nov ; 28, ; 2016 ; In ; places ; where ; energy ; prices ; are ; high, ; it ; can ; even ; be ; a ; losing ; proposition.

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