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This is going to allow us to generate QR codes for the Litecoin address Mar 24, 2014 Printed on one side is the QR code for the public key of your address, You can receive Litecoin using the PUBLIC key but you can39t spend The amount of Litecoin for purchase is then displayed at the current exchange rate. Scan the QR code with the address of your wallet, or press the quotCREATE A Generate your QR code by simply writing some text in the textfield above and clicking quotGeneratequot. Make it even more awesome by clicking the other button The Mycelium Wallet is an iOS Litecoin mining ghs calculator Android Litecoin Wallet that is one of the most You can see there are also options along the bottom bar to have different On this screen, you can either scan the QR code provided by your merchant which image1 output will look like this bicoin1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp this is what youll get after scanning. Qr code image2 output will look like This will make a QrCode that says quotMake me into a QrCodequot. This helpers generates a scannable Litecoin to send payments.