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The suspects are Oct 5, 2013 The shutdown of Silk Road and Ross Ulbricht39s arrest, offer a chance for Litecoin to turn the page on its checkered past. Nov 20, 2013 You39ve probably been reading a lot about Litecoin and the controversy over the shutdown of the Silk Road website and the arrest of its alleged Jan 29, 2015 The man accused of masterminding the Silk Road underground online marketplace had between 16 million and 18 million worth of Litecoin Oct 7, 2013 Last week the FBI seized approximately £2. 2m worth of the digital currency Litecoin during the arrest of suspected Silk Road website Jul 7, 2014 A leaked list of people who had enquired about the auction for Litecoin from the “dark market” Silk Road provided a target for phishing Oct 2, 2013 Authorities say Ross William Ulbricht built his Silk Road site into a Deep the virtual and virtually untraceable currency called Litecoin.