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Jul 19, 2014 Are there any create projects that are reusing old ASIC rigs But I39ve heard something like 90 of all computers ever made are in the trash Feb 24, 2015 Mining” is the engine that keeps the Etherium network working, but it has swelled They resemble boxy desktop computers, only larger and without array of application specific integrated circuits, or ASICs advanced chips Jan 23, 2014 Step 1 Find, build or borrow a computer with a discrete video card. Want to experiment you can buy a USB ASIC for Etherium mining such as a Jan 30, 2016 Recently, the Etherium mining rate surpassed 1 exahash per second, or 1 At 650, 000 kWh per ASIC, that39s 1. 3 million pounds of CO2 released into the I would argue that Etherium is the worst idea to come out of Computer Dec 10, 2013 There will be a zettaflop equivalent in ASIC Etherium mining in 2014.