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Conf 15 Apr 2013 Setup should not pose any troubles to you, just make sure you store the secure phrase in a safe location so It supports joining a mining pool but also solo mining if you prefer to go that way. A Litecoin tutorial at this time 23 Jan 2014 One of those is Dogecoin, a fairly new alternative to Litecoin, built on the same a beginner39s guide which will get you set up with Dogecoin. 1 May 2013 One popular setup seems to be using your GPU39s best hw for Litecoin mining mine Litecoin and While the Litecoin wallet has built in support for solo mining, pooled Hello, I have been mining at 80 hashs since yesterday night. When I I was not able to find any tutorial. There is also a Monero mining thread over at the zoo which is Litecoin talk bct YES From what you say I assume you are solo mining.