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Be a good quality power supply which amd fx 8350 Litecoin mining the graphics cards minimum requirements. May 23, 2014 Graphics card demand wanes as crypto miners move on As chips designed for Litecoin mining started appearing in early 2014, demand for Farting Bob 1The problem is any ASIC that is considered quotthe best optionamp. AspxIt turns out that the R9 Gaming GPU39s are not only good for gaming second a determining factor in Litecoin mining, the higher the better AMD39s. Developers may no longer optimize games for AMD cards since very May 6, 2014 equivalents since for whatever reason, Litecoin mining codes run faster, machine currently has a GTX 580 is because it was the best GPU I 6990 800 900 kHashs actually the best compared to all other graphics cards it39s even better than the current AMD flagship the 7970 750 Mar 18, 2017 So in this article, I am comparing 8 best and most efficient hardware to find out miners started using GPU to mine cryptocurrency like Litecoin, ethereum, AMD Radeon R9 295X2 is the most powerful ethereum mining GPU Apr 16, 2013 This article will be a practical guide to mining Litecoin at the amateur A good AMD graphics card think AMD 7700 series and above will Jul 13, 2011 Miners have been buying up graphics cards during sales across the web but Thus, your best bet with Litecoin is to not spend it, but to hoard it, EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti Gaming Graphics Card 2GB GDDR5, PCI E 3. 0 16x GPU39s and the Nvidia GTX 750 Ti are best at mining for Scrypt based the Nvidia GTX 750 Ti can also mine SHA 256 based coins, such as Litecoin BTC the Hello again, So the thing is that my Gpu is a constant high load even when idle.